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Computery Stuff

This puzzle map will teach you circuit logic and sequential logic. Your goal is to light up the lamp at the end of the room. This map introduce a new type of mechanism called "Bluestone". Bluestone can be either Active or Desactive. You can change it stat by pressing buttons.


Featuring a few logic gate:

  • The AND Gate: Left and Right Signal must be Active for it to output an Active Signal
  • The NOT Gate: Inverse the Singal
  • The OR Gate: Left or Right Signal must be Active for it to output an Active Signal
  • The XOR Gate: Left or Right (But not both) Signal must be Active for it to output an Active Signal
  • The Multiplexer: Output the same as Left if bottom is OFF Otherwise Output the same as Right


Featuring a few memory gate:

  • The D-Latch: Output The same as It Right Input If the Left Input is On. Otherwise the Output Doesn't change
  • The D-Flip-Flip: Output The same as It Right Input If the Left Goes from OFF to ON. Otherwise the Output Doesn't change


TheblueMan003's logo


Downloads 4

Ratings 0

Minecraft Version 1.16.2

Created Date 9/4/2020

Updated Date 1/1/1970



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