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EighteenSquared 2025

Map Info

Two years. There hasn't been a Henzoid map in two... years...


Ten Squared... Twelve Squared... Thirteen Squared... Fourteen Squared... Sixteen Squared... it isn't enough. Not enough for the grand opening of a whole new year. We must go... higher.

How about a few more seconds?


Welcome to EighteenSquared 2025! 18^2 is a speedrun puzzle with the goal of completing all twelve puzzles in 324 seconds or less, collecting the twelve levers, and unlocking the rose gold door at the center of a maze of near-identical rooms within. You will reset the challenge over and over to find all of the answers and unlock all of the secrets, but this challenge is VERY DOABLE.

Version: 1.21.4 (optifine recommended but not required)

Players: Singleplayer only

Length: 60-90 minutes

Audio: All made by Henzoid, and not subject to copyright claims.

New Features:

- Turbo Hints and Final Hints (in addition to ordinary Hints)

- No Time Limit mode

- A top-down map of each room, hint, and possible secret (eventually)



Downloads 40

Ratings 0

Minecraft Version 1.21.4

Created Date 1/5/2025

Updated Date 1/5/2025



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